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Re: Laser at night

I agree the laser unit itself works fine at night. But doesn't that make it
rather difficult to identify the vehicle you are reading? And to describe
it accurately to a chase car? ("Uh, it had two white headlights, and two
red tail lights...")

So does PIAA have IR bulbs, yet?

Mandatory Audi content. Where do I find driving lights (a la S4) that will
fit in the lower airdam grilles on my A4?

Steve P - 98.5 A4TQMS - 97 Passat GLX - 94 Kawa ZG1000

> At 16:39 9/7/98 -0400, thus spake Richard Beels <beels@technologist.com>:
> >They can't be used an night, must be stationary, are instant-on
> and the
> >vehicle must be specifically selected...
> Um, no.  Laser is used quite regularly here (Washington State) at
> night.
> It is an infrared laser, after all, and it couldn't care less if
> the sun is
> up or down (save the possible interference from the sun, which means
> that
> it works _better_ at night.)
> I agree on the stationary, instant-on, and specific vehicle comments
> ...
> John