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Re: Pikes Peak -- AP Story
<huge snippage>
<From: Jon Linkov <jlinkov@combriefings.com>
<Suit Over Pikes Peak Seeks a Road Less Graveled
Gotta love when someone quotes from their own "study". As for the Forest
Service. . .they just don't want to maintain the hill. As far as the
run-off issue. . .there would be NO road if they were to stop maintaining
the gravel surface. Nature is funny about those things
<The nature advocacy group said the city is ignoring its own studies and a
<Forest Service
<recommendation that the road be paved to reduce environmental damage
caused by
<runoff from
<the tons of gravel used to maintain it.
Whine, whine, bitch, bitch. Please Gail, give us a more specific example
other than "so many other things"
<"Perhaps it's appropriate that they call it America's Mountain, because
<so many other things in America, they took it and trashed it," said Gail
Snyder, a member of
<the Sierra Club and the Pikes Peak Advisory Commission.
Bitch mode off. :)