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Ahh, yes, the old volcano syndrome!

>Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 21:45:22 -0600
>From: spsherm@ibm.net
>Subject: More Pentosin Leak
>Thanks to Doyt and Orin (and others) for the suggestions...
>As they suggested I cleaned things up, refilled, and took a short drive.
>Again the brake lite came on, and when I popped the hood, penosin was
>foaming out of the reservoir at the hole in the top...  Unfortunately
>the trip was a bit too long and so much oil came out that it was unclear
>if the foaming out the top was the only cause...
>So my question to those that might know... Short of buying a special
>pressure gauge is it "safe" to assume that the foaming oil is caused by
>a bad pump and replace the pump?  Or is there another likely cause, and
>if so what and how can I diagnose what it is?  [BTW another symptom I
>noticed was rather hard steering;  could be low pressure from a dying
>pump, or a leak somewhere I guess]
>Right now, with the penosin a bit below the low level, at idle in the
>garage, the penosin will foam up again and "boil" out the top.  This is
>with no motion on the steering rack, and noone hitting the brakes.  

Rebuild your pump. Kit costs about $20, takes an hour or two, procedures in
archives, look under "volcano". Guaranteed cure. Stops foaming 100%,
satisfaction guaranteed!

Best Regards,

Mike Arman