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Reverse light
This morning I was cleaning the interior of the car, and decided to
clean under the hand brake. I was using a can of compressed air and a
paint brush (dry). when I started the car to back it into the garage I
noticed smoke rising from the trunk.
I popped the trunk open but could not find the source of the smoke. So I
started the car again, and put it into reverse gear, no smoke but the
reverse lights don't work and the plate light will not go off. I went as
far as pulling the fuse out for the plate/glovebox, but the plate light
still will not go out. in frustration, I disconnected the plate light.
What exactly did I short out? I am out of ideas so could somebody please
tell me what can I do. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Winslow Douglas
88 90q
Toronto Ont.