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Re: Wheels
You're killing me here! ;) Did you read the last e-mails discussing offset?
No, the replicas don't have the 45mm offset. They have a 35mm offset.
That's the problem. The folks at Discount Tire are such idiots, when they
commisioned the wheels, they didn't bother to get the offset right.
If you read through the chatter on A4.org you can see that alot of the A4
people are like frightened deer. They've spent days or weeks discussing if
A8 wheels will work on an A4. This is sheer lunacy! Of course they will!
Unlike the UFO and flat rear fender equipped Audis of the past, the A4 body
can accomidate a wide range of wheel sizes and offsets.
The crazy thing is that they are worried about a 6 mm difference (A4 vs.
A8), then go out and buy aftermarket wheels with an overall offset
difference of 16mm (7.5" wheel with a 35mm offset vs. 7" wide 45mm offset)!
Sorry for the rant.
At 12:32 AM 9/11/98 -0600, you wrote:
> Thanks for the reply! Is the replicas offset the same as the A4's?
> Ron Husak
>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Karasaki <johkar@teleport.com>
>To: Ron Husak <RHUSAK@csi.com>
>Date: Thursday, September 10, 1998 10:12 PM
>Subject: Re: Wheels
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>>Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:50:51 -0700
>>To: "Ron Husak" <RHusak@compuserve.com>
>>From: John Karasaki <johkar@teleport.com>
>>Subject: Re: Wheels
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>>At 05:32 PM 9/10/98 -0600, you wrote:
>>> What are the replica wheels of? What model wheels? Thanks Ron
>>Replica of the A4 5 spoke wheel
Best Regards,
John Karasaki
"Alle Rowdies fahren Audis"
'82 urq (stops on a dime)
'86 4kq (boy, they total Audis for little reason)
'87 coupe gt ("crash me into a car" red - 4 sale $1000)
'87 5ktqw (daily beast of burden)
'87 5ktqw (parts car after tree incident - parts 'o plenty)
'90 V8 (wife's; soon to have 944T brakes!)