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Re: Improved Seat Belt/Racing Harness

>You want the attachment point 0-15 degrees below horizontal (I don't have
>my rulebook in front of me with the diagram); imaginary line running from
>where belts come off shoulders to attachment point.  You DO want it
>relatively horizontal.  If the attachment points are higher, you've got a
>"coming out of the belts" problem.

I thought that you didn't want it below 15 degrees of horizontal due to
spinal compression , but that coming from above is OK.  However, my only
knowledge is based on what I've seen, plus the warnings from the
manufacturers not to mount it too low without an approved seat, so I'm not
trying to dispute you.  Where did you get your information?  Are you
referring to PRO Rally rules, and is there a place to read them on the web?

Jack Rich