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Boost too high?

My good friend, also a lister, has an 87 5KCSTQ, and is having an
interesting problem. I'm not clear on the cause, and I'd like some clues
or BTDTs from any listers familiar with the waste gate and it's
controls. He left on a weekend trip yesterday, and came by the shop
complaining of what appears to be too much boost. As my experience is
with Porsche turbos, I would suspect to find an overboost switch to cut
the fuel pump or ignition, but can find no mention of such a system in
the manual. We had only a few minutes, and were only able to check the
waste gate solenoid and frequency valve per the Bentley. It'll be in the
first of the week, and I could use some clues if there are any out
there. Most people seem to be looking for MORE boost, not less. Any
thoughtfully considered information would be appreciated. I guess, since
I suggested he buy this car, I' m about to become a turbo expert,
whether I wanted to or not.
Thanks in advance, John