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Re: Improved Seat Belt/Racing Harness

Well, I was close.  The rules state that the structural point of support
shall not be more than 40 degrees from the horizontal and also may not be
supported higher than the top of the shoulders.  There's also a picture
that explains better than the 40 degree wording.  It's really the angle of
the strap behind the seat in relation to the angle of the seat back.  Draw
an imaginary line at the angle of your back/seat back.  At the point where
the belts intersect the seat/come across your shoulders, draw a line
perpendicular to the first line.  Draw a horizontal line through the
intersection point.  The allowable structural attachment is between the
perpendicular and horizontal lines.  That's the minimum acceptable.

It also stipulates that the lap belt angle shall be between vertical and 45
degrees from vertical.  Anti-sub belts should attach to the floor so that
the belt is not past the vertical when in use.  Recommended is to be
attached to the same attachment points as the lap belts (usually to far
away though).

Our belts are mounted pretty near to horizontal to our shoulders.  Lap
belts use the stock attachment points and anti-sub belts are using a point
underneath the seats where the GTi has a cross brace welded into the frame.

At 02:00 PM 9/18/1998 ,  Rich, Jack was inspired to say:
>  I thought that you didn't want it below 15 degrees of horizontal due to
>  spinal compression , but that coming from above is OK.  However, my only
>  knowledge is based on what I've seen, plus the warnings from the
>  manufacturers not to mount it too low without an approved seat, so I'm not
>  trying to dispute you.  Where did you get your information?  Are you
>  referring to PRO Rally rules, and is there a place to read them on the web?


	88 90Q - <insert pithy witticism here>
	88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally