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Re: travel advice

In message <l03010d00b22aa6b71df2@[]> Steve Patriquen writes:

> BSE is Bovine Spongiform Ecepahal....? or Mad Cow Disease. BIG deal in the
> UK, since they had the unfortunate habit of grinding up the bits of dead
> (sick) cows and making them into animal feed.

The big deal is not that we did it (dead _sheep_, BTW) but that we
admitted it.  Augmenting animal feed with recycled protein was not a
UK-only practice - it was endemic around Europe and also in other parts
of the world.  The reason it's big news in the UK is that we admitted
it (disastrous for our beef trade, of course) and tried to warn the
population.  You might like to try and find out how many cases of BSE
have been observed in Switzerland, for instance.

So-called 'New Variant CJD' is frightening because of the length of the
incubation period, which may be as much (no one really knows) as several
decades.  There have been curious cases - a life-long vegetarian whose
job involved handling dried pet foods that almost certainly contained
the infective agent, for instance.

>>> Sinn Fein translated means "ourselves alone"

Very much the tenor of their manifesto.  I doubt that many Americans
who have supported Sinn Fein are aware of their ultra-communist aims
for the 're-united' Ireland.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)