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Re: RE: Chevy speak (long)
) regarding your thoughts on v8 porsche
> conversions. Not
> quite with you here either. The 914 is the best candidate for a 911 6/T
> transplant, not a v8. Your "it handles terribly" might be better
> applied to
> the 911, since a properly setup 914 can take ALL 911/T/S parts (including
> brakes, suspension and engine) with no modifications to the body
> structure,
> and it's better balanced and has a lower baseline weight and cog. And a
> properly setup 914 with the 911 conversion will take most tweeked
> porsches at
> the track (bt-seen and drove-t) A properly setup 951, easily
> takes the rear
> driver 911's.
any one watch the Monterey historic races on sunday....a factory prepared
914-6 won it's class at the laguna seca
course...beating all the 911"s to the finish line...much the same results as
when it raced in the early 70's
mike 4kq