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RE: 5ktq vacuum leaks

> << Testing with a vacuum pump, the line that tees out to the diff locks
> won't
> hold a vacuum at all.  The diffs lock fine, though.  Is this normal?  If
> it's
> not, then where should I look for the leak in the diff lines? >>
> How is your climate control system working? The "tee" is also a check
> valve
> and the small line goes to the diff locks and the larger (heat shrinked
> hose
> to the check valve outlet) hose goes to a vacuum reservoir which you can
> see
> inside your driver's door jamb when the door is open. If you are loosing
> vacuum there I would think your climate control would go to air out the
> defrost vents and heater valve full hot all the time as well as no diff
> lock
> activation. HTH
... I am thinking that the fact that there is a vacuum reservoir may be
fooling you to think that there is a vacuum leak.  You probably need to pump
that vacuum pump for quite a while to actually get a reading.  That said,
the valves in the CC programmer are known to leak ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)