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Re: first post, two problems

>The crankshaft pulley that drives the A/C
>compressor has four 10mm bolts in a circle and a 16mm bolt head in the
>centre. I took the small nuts off but nothing budged. I can turn the engine
>over with a wrench on the 16mm head - can't use a socket as it fouls the
>radiator. Radiator fan and fan housing are removed. I don't think the 16mm
>bolt is the crankshaft bolt because the Haynes manual says it is 19mm. Is
>it a blind bolt, and should I be able to prise off the pulley half, or do I
>lock the flywheel and really lean on it? It looks nothing like the pictures
>in the manual which show a pulley half with a hole in the centre. I've
>never seen a UK 80 of this vintage with A/C so no experience and no-one to

Once you get the 4 nuts off, you should work the front half of the pulley
off of the studs. The hex thing that you see is the same cast as the main
part. Once it's off, you will find a bunch of washers that set the a/c belt
tension. Remove them, remove the A/C belt and remove the second half of the
