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RE: Musing of an Audi owner (long)
Hi Steven,
I enjoyed you musing. I have one question though. Where do you park them
I sold my 86 4ks, after I purchased an 86 4kq. I must say I have
reconsidered the wisdom of parting with it.
I've considered purchasing a newer Audi ( my q has 196k). But I have no
desire to part with my Q (aka Wanda). Then again if had annother car I
could lay Wanda up for some PM's and upgrades. Hmmm.............
86 4kq
ps I unsubsribed from the list when I went on vaction last month. I have
no resubsribed? I just stared getting messages from the list today? Just
one of those things that make you go Hmmmm?