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'Mothers' in Boston area

Anyone know a good place to find the stuff?  AutoZone doesn't have it.  I
figured I'd give their stuff a try and do the multi-step thing.  My
existing routine of clearcoat cleaner and then wax just doesn't do a very
good job, and doesn't bring out the metallic nature of the paint.  The
wheel polish looks like it might do wonders for the BBS rims, which are in
semi-rough shape.

Framingham/Natick area preferred.  I was thinking maybe Caldor's, Bradlee's
or the like?

I guess in general I need a new Auto parts place; AutoZone just Zoned out...


Brett Dikeman
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Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.