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Re: Antifreeze product questions

Low Tox = propylene glycol which is not nearly as toxic as ethylene glycol.
Ethylene glycol, being chemically related to polyhydric alcohols is, like
them, rather sweet in flavor.  This makes it attractive to animals.  Once
ingested it then can be fatal to them.  Propylene glycol isn't quite so
sweet neither is it so hazardous as a poison.

Phosphate is an essential requirement for your continued existence in this
astral plane.  :-)  It is not necessary for it to be absent from your life.
 (Ever hear of the ribonucleic acids?  The four basic monomers from which
DNA is made each consists of a molecule of ribose bound to a nucleotide
[for different common ones] and a phosphate group.)  Ya gotta have it or
suffer from malnutrition.)  The removal of phosphate from antifreeze is
required by the alumin(i)um of the engine not the dog or cat who drinks the
waste fluid from the puddle on the garage floor.


At 08:42 PM 9/27/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 16:07:36 -0400
>>From: adamnelson@juno.com
>>Subject: Re: Antifreeze product questions
>>I have used both Sierra and Prestone's Low Tox. These are both phosphate
>>free ethylene glycol anti freezes as specified for Audi and Volkswagen.
>>They also sell for around $6.00 a gallon.
>I assume "Low Tox" must stand for "low toxicity", so I wonder how this can
>be a valid description of _any_ "ethylene glycol antifreezes"? Anyone know
>if significant lowering of toxicity results simply by eliminating phosphate
>from ethylene glycol antifreeze?  Maybe like a 32 cal. slug is less toxic
>than a .45.
>Phil Rose				Rochester, NY
>'89 100 (For Sale, 111K, automatic)
>'91 200q				mailto:pjrose@servtech.com
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