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Re: Who's had a bad BLAU! experience

As far as Steve's present problem goes, let your credit card company
>take care of the dispute if you can't easily resolve it with Jim Blau >(whom I have> spoken with on several occasions and found to be easily >reached and friendly).> So much easier on the stress levels in life.

I couldn't stand back any longer without commenting about Jim@Blau. 
Your suggestion about getting the credit card company involved will most
likely prompt Jim to tell Sachelle not to do business with Blau again.
That is what happened to me, and I can proudly say I don't care about
doing business with Jim and Blau again!

Jim personnally failed in a very common customer service situation.  I
speak from experience since I work in the retail industry and deal with
the general public everyday. I purcashed a part from him, accidently
gave him my SiL AMEX card, since I previously purchased a part from him,
for her, using her card for that transaction.  My SiL disputed the
charge, not knowing what happened, and I didn't realize I used the wrong
card. Well, since AMEX reverses charges until the dispute is resolved,
his accounting person must have had a hissy fit.  When I proactively
talked to them about clearing up the matter, even apologized for making
the mistake, gave him my correct card number, yada, yada, yada, Jim
"advises" me that he doesn't want to do business with me. 

Now, all you retailer business owners out there, anyone of you tell a
customer you don't want to do business with them due to an incorrect
card number? I think not!  This is a weekly occurance in some lines of
business.   My experience with Jim is that he is nice (and was to me)
until there are "issues". I can tell he has never had any formal
customer service training many service orientated companies give their
employees, I know he could use it.  

I am now a happy customer of Carlson and other vendors on the quattro
vendor list.
