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track insurance
To: audi-20v
forwarded from a friend
This letter is part of a thread that was started from a crash at some
PCA event. The rest of the context of the thread isn't important. I
thought the insurance stuff might be interesting to you guys.
>Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:58:04 -0400
>There are a couple of insurance companies which will cover drivers
>education and racing. Russell might have a bit more recent info than I
>do at this point, so he might add to this thread.
>I use CRM, Conceco RIsk Managment, they advertise in Panorama, and will
>cover cars in PCA events. They won't cover SCCA, EMRA, or a number of
>other clubs. They are bonded by Lloyds of London and I feel the cost is
>reasonable. The first year I used them it was $1200 to cover me for 18
>track days, and a value of $25,000 with a 10% deductible. That year
>turned out to be a bad experience year for them, not because of me, but
>because they had a number of write-offs with PCA. So this past year I
>ended up paying $2000 for the same coverage, but it is unlimited number
>of days. They will also sell insurance by the day/event, as in the case
>of the Double Fifty which was not a sanctioned PCA event. I hope the
>experience this year is better and the rates will go down, but I can't
>remember a time when insurance ever went down.
>This type of insurance only covers you for anything which occurs on the
>track. Getting your car to/from the track and daily driving needs to be
>through a regular insurance policy.
>Hope this helps.