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'91 200: Hoses, Gizmos, Hydraulic leaks

I began a search for what appeared to be a hydraulic fluid leak from my
engine compartment last night.  My hydraulic fluid reservoir appears to have
lowered a little (placard claims fill with Audi Hydraulic Oil G 002000-is
this an adequate number for a general parts supply (Carlsens for
instance)?).  I'd forgotten how rewarding such sleuthing could be!  As
usual, it seemed to take me forever to find the culprit-I'm embarrassed at
just how long-but then I hardly the automotive repair expert, Audi or

I found it!  I don't know the name/etc. of the leaking part, so perhaps
someone on the list will be able to identify it by name, etc.  

Location:  back of engine compartment, slightly behind and under the
Description: The leaking gizmo is an odd shaped, curvilinear, white plastic
and brass device; really odd shape; has a designed hole and what looks like
a plastic plug/switch through one of the disk-shaped plastic sections..  It
has two connections other than the fluid in-out ports-one has a wire from
the firewall that connects to it through a black vacuum-pump looking point,
connecting from the top left of the unit.  The other connecting element is a
rectangular electrical connection with several wires bundled, located at the
upper right of the unit.  A short, ~2.5 inch long, U-shaped hose extends
from the front left side of the gizmo; the longer hose (~30") heads for the
firewall on the driver's side of the engine compartment.

Anyone know what this is?  

I can't stand my car leaking.  It isn't the easiest thing to get at to
replace, but I think it might be fun to replace it.  I'm not sure exactly
how to do I-faxed Linda for a copy of the Bentley last Friday, but she's not
replied.  Unsure what needs to be done to prevent fluid from going all over
and whether I'll need to be concerned about some air getting into the system
during replacement (like brakes).

Thanks for any information, archive reference, etc.

Still kicking myself for procrastinating on getting the Bentley,

Cameron Duncan, EREC Architect	-	(800) 363-3732	-
1991 Audi 200t sedan  (81k miles)