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starter for an '87 4kcsq

Hi all,

I need some advice on where and what to look for after I take the starter
motor off my '87 4kcsq.  Recently it has been producing a nasty 0.5-2
grinding noise before it cranks up.  I don't remember it ever failing to,
but the thing worries me for winter follows autumn as I recal from past
experience.  Sometimes the noise is very brief, sometimes more
nerve-wrecking but it's there.  Occasionally it just doesn't turn at all
the first time I turn the key but has never failed from the second time.

Will a nice experienced person come up with a (written) algorythm for what
I need to do to get it off, what I should be aware of before I start,  how
I check it, etc.?

I'd appreciate any comment.
