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Subject: Re: Subject: power windows one touch - do you have it?
Huw Powell wrote:
"the relay i got out of a late 80's 80 or 90 appears to only provide the
"down" feature. Oooops. I guess that's $ down the drain. Anyone need
it?" (snip)
"For instance this relay I have just has to be interposed between the LF
door switch and it's existing wiring, and be hooked up to the "door
open" switch to work. But it's "down-only" as far as I can tell."
I'm pretty much out of my element with respect to electronics, but can't you
just use two relays? Only thing missing is "pinch protection". Don't some
new A4's have up and down one touch, too?
Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller@aol.com