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water for ccolant - was: new red coolant

[improved features in new red coolant]
>>Improved hard water tolerance
>ie, for all of us morons that fill our cars up with the garden hose(ie, "Oh
>sh#t!  Low coolant!  Got to go to work!  Hmm.  Get distilled water from
>store...or...hmm...garden hose...hmm...")
> :)

Hm, when I tried to have the Audi dealer here top off my
car with coolant mix (I didn't feel like doing the mixing
myself right than, and wasn't sure about teh coolant to use either),
they sent me to the parts counter to get antifreeze, "and just mix it 50/50 
with water" - "What about the distilled water? (i.e. where do I
get it?)" - "no, you can just use tap water for that."
