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Re: Boost Controllers

On Tue, 6 Oct 1998 GScruggs@monterey.nps.navy.mil wrote:

> Richard, I've been running an HKS EVC III for about a year now on my '87
> 5kCSq and it works quite well. I see no reason why a unit like this could
> not be used on an earlier system like your urQ. 

Just a note too that the lastest EVC-IV does measure ambient pressure and 
temperature for more accurate boost control up in the mountains.  Scott 
(either one) will probably point out that you might risk overspeedin the 
turbo ataltitude if you maintain absolute boost pressures, but that works 
in with Gross' assertation that you must accept responsibility for your 
actions when fooling with a device of this sort.

> intake manifold.  I also use one of  Scott Mockry's WG springs, sorry, I
> don't recall which one, he has three different rates. 

I installed the 2.2 bar spring last week.   Woooooohoooo 17+ psi!

> - There is an 'overboost' function which allows a preset boost increase, for
> a selected number of seconds, over that which you programmed as normal. 
> Kind of a 'banzai' button, I guess, if your normal settings are conservative
> and the other car is pulling away from you.  

What other car?  You don't mean...  do you?   :-)

> - You also get an overboost warning buzzer.  Set it where you want it.  If
> you hear a "kaboom" and smell hot metal before it beeps then remember to
> reset it to a lower value.

...the next time.  :-)

> something simple but I am currently considering psychic intervention or a
> trip to Lourdes. 

You might want to change the air in your tires...  its likely very stale 
by now.  You ever smell that stuff?

> HKS is essentially a circuit of a complete system.  When you buy the IA or
> TAP modification you get a fixed performance increase that has been sorted
> out, retains some safeguards, with some recourse if it breaks. Why, then,

There is a big difference though.  The factory ECu does not utilize the 
sophisticated algorhythms that the EVC uses and they have a wimpy WGFV.

Graydon D. Stuckey

"There's alot more to Jazz than just wrong notes"