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RE: Boost Controllers

Gary, that's BABBAR. Anyhow, a little trouble on the mc as I did
point out
earlier, but I figured it out and will put into place tomorrow.

Anyway, my controller is manual. I can't speak for those other devices.
What I do is I set my max boost to where I want and I can *easily* dial up
boost (as I have told others) to change handling characteristics (crank up
part or full throttle boost to pull car through turns), to bring up low
end (needed on the mc compared to my old kh). The other thing that I've
noticed is that during warmer times, I have to open the valve more to get
the same boost.

I think Paul Timmerman has a system that uses a pressure transducer. I
guess they all work the same, but it's just how many bucks you're willing
to spend and if you want another bunch of cool looking, blinking lights on
the dash. For me, $12 was (more than) enough. I like my system because:
1. I made it.
2. Don't have to fiddle around to make adjustments. I literally adjust
like I use the tv's remote.
3. It's cheap. I'm cheap.
*Steve                                             Sachelle Babbar
*'87  5000CS Turbo 5spd 1.3-1.7 bar             <SBABBAR@IRIS.NYIT.EDU>
*Cockpit adjustable wastegate, AudiSport badge
*Disclaimer:"Any information contained herein is based purely on my own
*personal experience and may not necessarily reflect yours. Use caution as
*your results may vary from mine."

On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Lewis, Gary M wrote:

> Steve says;
> > > There is a big difference though.  The factory ECu does not utilize the 
> > > sophisticated algorhythms that the EVC uses and they have a wimpy WGFV.
> > > 
> > ... those sophisticated algorithms are needed because the box is intended
> > to
> > plug into as many cars as possible.  Given the fact that you know the
> > turbo
> > and engine characteristics there is no reason that the ECU can't be
> > programmed to do the same sort of thing.  Perhaps the point about the WGFV
> > is well taken ...
> > 
> I've been thinking about this, and have a very non-technical comment.
> Please be gentle with me as my technical ability would rattle around in a
> peanut shell.
> Steve (Sachelle Barber) has a cock-pit adjustable WG control knob CPAWGCK),
> which seems to use pressure (or lack thereof) to control the WG.  Apparently
> the fab and $$ are pretty small (like $15).  With a chip (like Scott's
> Mo's), and a spring, and this CPAWGCK, couldn't the WGFV be controlled
> better than just the spring and chip?  Seems like a cheaper fix than the
> after-market systems suggested.  Not nearly as sophisticated (i.e. manual
> control), but better than nothing.  What say all the smart guys??
> Gary Lewis 200km 86 5Kcst 5sp 1.8 Bar
> TransGlobal Financial  (818) 384-7600
> Mergers, Acquisitions, Public Offerings