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Re: Oil filter/Quickie oil changes

Jeff LaBombard wrote:
> Why are Frams such bad filters?  I have heard this, but am curious why?
As part of the filters data I'm collecting for the list's new website,
I've done a fair bit of data gathering.  What I've uncovered about Fram
so far:
   taking hits, not only from some qlist members but on other lists.
   Fram is the only "name brand" mentioned in catastrophic filter 
   failures causing a sudden, large loss of oil by failing at the 
   gasket or, in a couple of incidents, they just split open (still 
   trying to verify that engine oil pressure regulator was not the 

   they have more than one quality level of filter, including, IMHO, one 
   to be avoided - "Double Guard".  It has PTFE (teflon) additive.  I'm 
   also trying to verify their by-pass valve settings vs. OEM filter 
   specs and/or existence of anti drain valve (needed if the filter 
   mounting position allows gravity to drain the filter).

   to confuse you, not all Fram comments are bad -  in fact one list 
   had a member who dissected several brands and found Fram to be above 
   average (have not read report in its entirety so I don't know if it
   has applicability to Fram filters for Audi apps.).
MJ Murphy