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ADV - chaos abounds

With answers/opinions all over the lot and segues into pressure relief
valves, bypass valves, oil galleries, check valves - yes the V6's have
them to prevent draining (looked it up over lunch in a Mitchell manual).
I'm gonna try to pin down the powers that be at a couple of filter
manufacturers - whose documentation and web sites state the ONLY
function the ADV has is to prevent oil from draining out of filter when
installed in horizontal or inverted position - then along comes Mr.
Payne with something to the effect, well oil still leaks out when you
invert it.  Right he is.

So to prevent further chaos and my brain from clouding over, I'll try to
get some industry answers on not only ADV but the bypass valve and get
back to the list with the responses.  

It's a good thing these things work, however they work, if they even

MJ Murphy