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Re: Microfiche copies available

Robert Houk - WorkGroup Server Firmware wrote:
>    > These guys have a microfiche printer which could be handy for someone
>    > with the full set.
>    >
>    > http://st4.yahoo.com/repc/belandhowmic.html
>    holy poop!  it's only $220.  Too bad we aren't a "real" club with a
>    budget.
> Tempting, but "...sold as-is. Needs toner." sets off my cynic's
> alarm bells! Assuming it does work perfectly as is, is toner even
> available for this guy? At less than $500 for the custom cartridge
> needed?

well, sure... so long as the toner itself isn't something exotic I'm
sure the cartridge could be refilled (if there's an empty one it it!)
somehow.  And B & H do still exist, so we could hope that it isn't
completely orphaned, ie, maybe a parts fiche would be available?!?!

Huw Powell

I work at: http://www.thebook.com/human-speakers

I play at: http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~human

82 Coupe; 85 Coupe GT