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re: blizzaks

All I've come up with is that the 02 blizzak is a new ice tire oriented
to stopping the car.  No lateral support for turning or straight line

The WS-15 is the tried and true blizzak, offering good snow performance
on soft rubber, but still little lateral support (which, bytheby, is
where the Nokian Hakkas show their colors).  The WS-15s are known for
wearing out quickly on dry, but can be used as a regular street tire
after the tread wears down (probably a pretty lousy dry tire at that
point though).

Most people are concerned about stopping first and foremost, and
anything else is left to dry weather.  But since many of us are looking
for excuses to go bronco hunting in 10-inch snowfalls, stopping is only
a priority, and not necessarily the top one.  I personally am more
concerned with overall car controllability, which comprises stopping,
along with the other fun stuff.

the general consensus has been Hakkas (G&G, on the vendor list for $$
and availability).


>I had a question about this as well, because I am currently looking for a set of 
>snow tires for my A6qw.
>So, what are the differences between the Blizzak tire models?
>I am aware of these models:
>Blizzak MZ-02
>Blizzak WS-15 (Q-rated)
>WT-05 Winter Radial (H-rated)
>WT-14 Winter Radial (seems to be for 80-75 series apect ratio sizes in 12-15 