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Deer FAQs (Wuz: Deer woes)

Mark Switek wrote:
> Hit a deer on the way to work today.

As a longtime veteran of the deer wars, it occurs to me that about this
time every year, there are at least a few list members who can offer
common-sense advice regarding looking out for deer and avoiding
customizing your Audi when you do spot them.  I'm unaware of Deer FAQs
on any automotive list/web site.  If anyone out there knows of any and
thinks it worthwhile, pls share it with me and the list.  Failing that,
would there be any sentiment in whipping together our own Audicentric
Deer FAQs?  Some list members have provided terrific advice in the
past.  Might we put them all together and post them to the list and
archives?  If deer-savvy individual listers want to e-mail me (as in
smullen@philly.infi.net , not the list) with advice, I'll throw
something together over the next few days.

Shaun Mullen (two deer hits, many misses)
West Grove, PA