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Re: new license plate ideas anyone?

Phil Rose wrote:
> >Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 23:40:42 EDT
> >From: RELAYER@aol.com
> >Subject: Re: new license plate ideas anyone?
> >
> >I just had a good idea for a new plate that I may be looking to get this
> >winter:
> >
> >BLTZKRG (Blitzkrieg)
> >
> >Only thing is, would this be considered politically UNcorrect?
> >Would Jewish
> >people or WWII vets find this offensive?  I am a big fan of WWII novels and
> >historical books, so I would never own a vanity plate that would offend people
> >of this era.
> Yeh, good to be, um, hesitant on that one. My recollection is that this
> term was invented specifically to describe the vicious German air/ground
> strikes against civilian targets in WWII. Ask Phil Payne if the word
> "Blitz" evokes any sense of warm nostalgia (towards Germany) in Britain
> today. Not likely.
> And even if "blitzkrieg" had an older origin, why associate one of our
> favorite forms of modern German technology/culture with its worst product?
> I think _any_ WWII-specific references on a German car are best avoided.

I agree completely with Phil. I would be very careful in this area.
Although I know very little about the Jewish people, I have noticed a
super sensitivity to this topic. I recall a story about a SUNY history
professor who compared US Slavery and the plight of African Americans to
the Jewish Holocaust. His classes were boycotted, protests launched,
etc. It got way out of hand. This was the reaction from students today,
who have no direct knowledge of WWII. 

(My personal view on the comparison was that it was at least

Steven is also correct in pointing out that you might be inviting
vandalism as well. I'd hate to see my car vandalized by some guy just
because of it's tags. 

-Osman Parvez