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Subject: How To Remove Tranny drain plug?
Todd Phenneger writes:
I tried to remove the drain plugs on my 4kq tranny the other day and
almost stripped the forward one because it is on so tight. I was using a
cheater bar on the allen wrench to get it off. Could not keep allen in
tight enough to get it off though. It is on REALLY TIGHT.
First, make sure you can remove the fill port. Very important; you can't
drive it somewhere for help without tranny fluid.
Second, buy a Snap-On hex-head socket in the correct size. Works extremely
well, cost under $15 USA. Make sure the fill/drain plugs are clean inside
before using the hex-head on them; clean them out with an electrician's
screwdriver or the like. You can also try soaking with some penetrating oil
first to loosen the oxidation.
HTH Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller@aol.com