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Re: door handles.

On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, Cobram @ Juno.com wrote:

> "G. Benedikt Rochow" <rochow@segosf.hlo.dec.com> writes:

> >I just replaced the RF door handle (which had the standard crack)
> >with a RR replacement, as the lock in the broken one already
> >had no matching key. Looks nice w/o key lock. As it was a 
> >particularly easy replacement, I'm wondering whether the later 
> >'flush' handles would work on these door? 
>   Yeah, real good idea, just keep your fingers crossed
>   nothing happens to the drivers side in the meantime.
>   If it does..I have a slimjim you can borrow....
>   Besides, the door handles are cheap now, I just 
>   bought one for the same car, cost $35.00 complete
>   with new key and lock. You can make the keys match
>   rather easily too. You just have to match the tumbles
>   up with the old key. I have PLENTY of extra tumblers
>   for these locks, save a few every time the doorhandles
>   break.  

Well, I didn't have a key for the RH lock anyway, so I didn't
lose anything by putting on a rear handle - it now just *looks*
they way it worked *anyway*.
Thanks for the tip - I hadn't thought of making the existing lock
fit the ignition key. Just one of these huge keys in my pocket
would be nicer...
