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Re: Fog lights and '95 90 Quattro Sport

Robert Myers wrote:

> Todd,
> I agree with much of what you say.  But...  There are times (especially on
> very foggy mountain highways) when it is appropriate to drive with *just*
> the fog lights on (in addition to marker lights, tail lights, etc. so that
> I can be seen from behind).  This is why I wire my auxiliary fog lights so
> that they can be operated with only the "parking lights" and the fog lights
> turned on.

That I can understand, I've driven between Carmel and Big Sur, nasty fog
sometimes. Ended up with a dead battery once, I got to Big Sur and sunshine and
forgot my headlights were on.

> Your point about "coolness" is well taken but don't forget that some of us
> actually frequently encounter driving conditions which are not like driving
> down a well-lighted city street and almost never encountered in a city.
> I'm talking ***DARK*** here.  I'm talking pea soup fog or forest fire smoke
> here.  I'm talking about any edge which might help spot that suicidal
> Bambi-type approaching the dark highway at a full run from the shoulder
> (assuming that there actually *is* a shoulder).  :-)  I'm not talking
> "cool", I'm talking survival.

You make a good point. I guess I should have clarified my point. Boneheads being
the jokers running around on a clear night,[or in the rain, or early on a clear
morning] with just their fogs on while everyone else has regular headlights on.

I humbly apologize to those in the above situations pointed out by Robert Myers,
and would like to add my own situation, snow blizzards. I remember driving
through one, and the headlights just glared back at me, so I turned them off and
left the markers/taillights on, and turned on my added on driving lights, they
lit up the road nicely without glaring back at me.

Todd Young              WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung@wamnet.com       6100 West 110th Street
612-886-5051            Bloomington, MN 55438-2664
800-585-1133 ext.5051   http://www.wamnet.com/