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Re: After Run Fan

Brian Raymond <padrino@umit.maine.edu> wrote:
> I read the the 87 Coupe GT has an after run fan but mine will shut of
> when I take the key out.. It never runs with the key out even when the
> car is hot.. I know it is supposed to, what causes this??

The radiator fan is controlled by a different relay when you turn off
the car.  Its switch is mounted on the rear of the valve cover, close to
the battery on the exhaust side.  Check and make sure the wiring is
connected to this switch and that it is actually closing when hot (may
take 5 minutes after you turn off the car).  You may also want to make
sure that you actually have an after run relay in the proper place under
the dashboard under the driver's side and that the power lead is
connected to the power bus under the fuse panel.


Luis Marques
'87 4kcsq