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Re: ad blitz

Phil Payne wrote:

> In message <4.1.19981018181157.00b3d100@pop.site1.csi.com> Richard Beels writes:
> > Yes, BMW has had the best car commercials for a while.  I just love the
> > line "Happiness is not around the corner.  Happiness IS the corner."  Good
> It is when you're in the ur-quattro in front, watching in the mirror.

Being a long-term bimmerphile, I'm having trouble with this image.  The only time
I've ever been passed by an Audi at the track was if the safety flag was out and
they were trailering it.

That having been said, I do own and Audi and like it very much.  But, . . . I have
not seen an Audi  to compare to the M3 (with comparable modifications).

[This really isn't an attempt to start a flame, just a .02 opinion.]

John C

1993 100cs
1997 M3
1995 K1100rs