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FW: Merger Mania (Very little Audi Content)
Well I'll probable get blasted for the low Audi content but ...
> Subject: Merger Mania
> A number of years ago there was a proposed merger between Fairchild
> Electronics and Honeywell Computers. Rumor had it that the new
> company would be called Fairwell Honeychild.
> There is a merger in the works involving Polygraph Records, Warner
> Brothers, and Keebler. It will be called Poly-Warner-Cracker.
> There has long been a rumor that W. R. Grace Co. was going to buy the
> Fuller Brush Co. and Mary Kay Cosmetics and then merge with the Hale
> Business Systems. This would result in the new mega-corporation Hale
> Mary Fuller Grace.
> Don't forget the failed merger between Yahoo and Netscape:
> Net'n'Yahoo. It didn't work out because they were afraid they would
> have to relocate the headquarters to Tel Aviv.
> Others in the works:
> 3M & Goodyear = mmmGood
> John Deere & Abitibi-Price = Deere Abi
> Honeywell & Imasco & Home Oil = Honey, I'm Home
> Denison Mines & Alliance & Metal Mining = Mine, All Mine
> 3M & JC Penney & Canadian Opera Company = 3 Penney Opera
> Grey Poupon + Dockers Pants = Poupon Pants
> Knott's Berry Farm + National Organization of Women = Knott NOW
> Crabtree & Evelyn and Apple Computer = Crab Apple
> Swissair & Cheseborough-Ponds = Swisscheese
> Zippo Manufacturing & Audi & Dofasco & Dakota Mining = Zip Audi Do Da