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Re: 5kt problems and 200 WTB

Armstead, Brian wrote:
> Listers:  My 5kt is giving me the nickel and dime blues.  When I first
> start the car, I can hear a faint clicking sound coming from behind the
> glove box.  I'm assuming a solenoid in the A/C programmer is starting to
> go bad.  If I turn on the head to econ or auto and lower the temp to 72
> degrees,  the clicking goes away.  Today, I nearly froze to death driving
> to work, as the heat no longer works.  Just blows loads of cold air.

The solenoids would only make a single click each, AFAIK, and aren't
particularly noisy. If the electric motor that pushes and pulls the
temperature flap had a stripped gear, however, it would click away as
the motor spins but the lever doesn't move. Eventually it will give up
and give you a flashing outside temp light (indication of an error) on
the climate control head. 

You can disconnect the cable from the lever pretty easily. Open the
glove box and take a look as you hear the clicking noise, and you should
see where it is. Then you can manually push the cable all the way in (I
think) for coldest and all the way out for warmest.

As for a real fix, you can get another programmer from a junkyard (GM
large cars, they say), or you can actually get just the motor as a new
replacement part (don't know how much) if the flaps are all working
properly. They improved them at some point in the 5k's life, but I don't
know when.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 150k