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Re: LIDAR, court appearances

A few years back my son recieved a particularly bogus hearsay speeding
ticket from a National Park Ranger, or something like that, on a state
highway passing through a national forest. I advised him to fight it, he
had a good witness, and I thought he had a good chance of beating it. He
prepared carefully, consulted with an attorney friend, had his witness
with him, and off he went. The ranger showed up with another ranger who
hadn't even been there as a corroborating witness, and the case went in
the dumper.
Granted, he probably was speeding, but the ranger didn't even see it. So
much for justice. Now, the point. The fine had no relationship to the
bail! He coulda been out of there for about 80 bucks, but the fine was 3
times that! I'd check very carefully before testing those waters. The
clerk could probably give you the fine schedule, and the bail schedule.
This may not be of much help, but it's something to think about. It's
like they penalize you for daring to question the traffic officer's
Good luck, John