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Re: multi links, Prelude, 328i vs. A4 2.8q ?

Point well taken. That's why I have an Audi! Scirocco is for punching holes in 
urban traffic, Audi for cruising on long trips. 

Chauncey Kuo

85 5000S wagon
84 VW Scirocco (with urban oriented gear ratios)

In message <199810240440.VAA20985@m2.sprynet.com> ckuo@sprynet.com writes:

> Actually, there used to be a European car that matches or exceeds the current
> Prelude as the best FWD handling car. Unfortunately, they don't make it 
> the VW Corrado SLC.

> 84 VW Scirocco (not a bad handling FWD either)

No, but both are oppresively noisy on long trips.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
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