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Vendor Review - Strano Foreign Car Parts - Long

The following is a negative review published for the future benefit of
Q-list readers.

In July of this year I was looking into shock absorber types and sources.  A
fellow q-lister recommended Bilsteins, and related that he had had excellent
response from Strano Foreign Car Parts, 68 White St., Brookville PA.  In the
interest of supporting a parts source that was supportive of our needs, I
called and ordered a set of Bilsteins on 13 July 98.  They said there was a
Bilstein warehouse in CT, and I should receive them in a few days.  Shortly
thereafter I received a copy of my MasterCard (MC) receipt, and a sales
receipt, both for $467.78.

After a couple of weeks, I called to find out why I hadn't received the
shocks yet.  They said they would check and call be back.  After waiting a
day or so for a return call, I called back.  (Note that in spite of numerous
claims that they would call me back over the course of the process described
herein, they have never called me back.)  I was informed that the message to
Bilstein had fallen on the floor between the printer and the FAX machine and
they would get it right out.  Indeed, after a few days the shocks arrived.
And so did another MC receipt and sales receipt, dated 31 July 98, both for

Upon receiving the second pair of receipts, I called and was informed they
would look into it and call be back.  After a period of no response from
Strano, I called and was informed that they would be correcting the
overcharge, but were limited to $250. per day because of past problems with
employees.  (Note that all of the people I talked to there are in the same

When my MC bill arrived in September, lo and behold, there was one $250
correction, dated August 20, but no other.  So I called again, and was told
that they would fax me a copy of the MC credit receipts.  After a few days,
with no FAX received, I called again and they said they didn't bother to FAX
it and speculated there was a digit reversal, but would fix it. 

When I received my October MC bill, lo and behold, still no $218.26.  After
persistent calls to Strano and to the MC billing agency by my wife, I have
finally received the last part of the credit!  Perhaps the involvement of
the credit company had some influence on the process.

In conclusion, I recommend you not deal with these people unless you pick up
your parts in person.  I personally object to being an unwilling enhancer of
their short term cash flow.

                .... Kirby   (Kirby A. Smith)
                              2 x 1988 90q
                          New Hampshire USA