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Re: Difference between '84 4kq and '85+ 4kq rear axles?

In a message dated 10/25/98 1:54:10 AM, johkar@teleport.com wrote:

<<The Parts Connection website lists different part numbers for the '84 and
early '85 vs. the late '85 thru '87 rear 4kq axles.  Can the early axles be
used on the later cars and vise versa?

Anyone know the reason for the difference, and exactly what all id different?

Thanks in advance for any info.

yes there is a difference....the early units use 10mm triple square bolts, as
opposed to the later model's 8mm tsb"s therefore the inboard cv joints are
different...the rear diff seals are different...the later model version being
much smaller..and a whole lot cheaper{less expensive}...I 'm not sure , but I
think the 
84-85 unit is 4.11:1....Maybe someone else can clarify the ratio differences
these early model Quattros ...so your question of whether or not they can be
is probably no