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Re: HELP!!5kcst Inner CV joint removal

Paul -

I didn't remove the inner, but it looks to be much the same as the
outer, from the Bentley's exploded view. Getting the outer off was
indeed tricky. Were you able to remove the lock ring completely? If so,
great; if not, get a friend or a bunch of rubber bands (worked for me)
to hold the lock ring pliers open. Then get out your small sledge and a
dull chisel or block or something to drive the joint off of the splined
shaft. It's a tight interference fit. You really need a bench vise to
hold the shaft as you do this. HTH.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 150k

Paul R Anderson wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am having trouble removing the inner CV joint on my 88 5kcst.  I
> removed
> the snapring but to no avail.  It does not want to come off.  Is there a
> secret?
> Isn't it supposed to come off or do I need to remove the outer joint
> to replace the inner boot.  Any and all help would be greatly
> appreciated.