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blow-off valves (more...)

The question regarding blow-off valves arose today when the guy who has my 
ex-car (240hp Abt A4) asked me where and what type to get as well as where 
to mount it.  I told him that I'd inquire and let him know.  There is AFAIK 
a bypass on the A4 engine, but how much pressure and how fast it releases 
is another question.  Re-compressing the once-heated air doesn't sound too 
efficient to me either.

A valve would be relatively easy an install as the interccoler is wedged in 
between the bumper (much reduced one...) and the radiator, hence being 
quite easily accessible.  I thought that it'd be best located pre-IC - why 
let the IC soak up temperature from excess intake?

any ideas?

Jouko Haapanen