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Re: Fuel Octane for 86 4KS - Curious what u guys r using

At 16:47 29.10.98 GMT, Eyvind Spangen wrote:

>Are the US octane numbers using a different scale than Europe?
>Here in Norway, we have only got 95 and 98 octane, while you in US
>have got as low as 87 octane. BTW: My dad's '90 Camry has got an
>"octane selector" which is switchable between "normal" and "super".
>The dealer told us that the "normal" position was for normal US gas,
>(that's 87, right) and the "super" for US premium and all gas in
>western Europe, because of the high octane used here.

In Europe the octane rating shown on gas pumps is RON (Research Octane
Number). In USA they use AKI (Anti Knock Index), which is (RON+MON)/2,
which gives lower numbers. US 87 octane gas is equivalent to European 92
octane ("Normal" in Germany). 

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)