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Re: Mann versus Mahle filters

M. Mohan wrote:

> I just noticed that the $7.25 Mann filters that I use on my V6 12v has the
> same dimensions as the $3.25 Mahle filters that I use on my I5 10v engine.
> Can I use the Mahle for both ?

 If the V6 is an AAH engine code 1992-~95, the difference is in the size only.

The I5 and V6 filters (specs from Bosch catalog) are:
                        Height   Outside   Inside Dia/     By pass Setting
Anti drain
Engine                 In.        Dia  In.     Thread
psi                     Valve
I5                      4.74       3.0         3/4 / 16
27-35                   Yes
V6 (AAH)         5.21       3.0         3/4 / 16
27-35                   Yes
V6 (AFC)*        5.53       3.7         3/4 / 16
11-17                    No

* Used on later V6 engines (code AFC)
BTW, who has the gaul to charge $7.25 for that Mann filter?
MJ Murphy
unofficial builder of the Audi oil/air/fuel filter data for the new website
(that's if
Mann and Mahle ever send me the catalogs I requested)