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Re: pump still not working


    Just a thought - have you checked the screens in the banjo bolts to see
if they are plugged? Some of these bolts came with small plastic screens
pressed into the ports in the bolt. If the screens in the intake bolt are
plugged, the pump may be starving for oil. It is also good practice to clean
the screens in the reservoir whenever you drain the system for
pump/rack/bomb repairs.


Fred Munro
'91 200q  261k km
-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Mruss <rmruss@pangea.ca>
To: 'quattro@coimbra.ans.net' <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Saturday, October 31, 1998 10:17 PM
Subject: pump still not working

Well, I managed to get the X caps off my pump, thanks to everyone for their
advice.  I put all the o-rings in, sealed it up, installed it in the car,
followed the procedure for bleeding and...nothing.  The pump it still not
pumping, or rather, it's not providing enough pressure to provide any
noticable assistance to the steering or the brakes.  The Bentley mentions
the pressure relief valve, could this be my problem?  Any suggestions would
be appreciated as I'd rather not have to purchase a new pump.  Oh, and the
pump was never run dry, so I don't know what the problem would be.


Jeff Mruss
'84 5KS