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Pilot Bearing Removal (5Ktq)

This past Saturday I tried to get the pilot bearing out of the crank on my
5Ktq.  I had read some time ago about filling the whole with greese and useing
the action of hydrolic lock to push the bearing out.  Well my Williams 3/8"
extention pit almost perfectly inside the bearing so I thought that would
work.  Well after banging on it for quite some time the bearing did not move.
I imagine Audi has a tool spicific for that purpose but I was hoping that
someone might be ably to shed a little lite on what else I can try before I go
out and spend stupid $$$$ on a tool I hope I will not have to use for a long
time to come.  Any help would be great.  I'm looking forward to getting the
5Ktq going so I can get the Ur-q in to the body shop for a little attention.
