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Re: Speeding Alert, Denver and the rest of us.....

   I live in a suburb of Denver, and for the first time in my life, I've aquired 
a Escort radar detecter. I'm VERY good at finding cops, but I don't feel I'll 
have the "force" with me on unmarked vans.
   I've said for a long time that the moto, to "Serve and Protect", stopped 
having meaning in the traffic law enforcment world, I think it should now be, 
"To Preturb and Collect".
   So while there stuffing the coffers, wackos continue running around town, in 
their sport futilities, with driving/fog lights on ALL of the time, talking on 
the phone, and barely keeping from running me over in either the 911 or the 
90q20v, live just isn't far sometimes.
Planning that perminant move to Winter Park SOON!
Rick Glesner
Littleton, Colorado