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Re: Urq Valve Cover Painting


    I just painted the timing belt covers on my '91 200q when I did the
t-belt job. The factory paint is a single coat black over bare steel, no
primer. It is quite thin and doesn't stand up very well to the winter salt
spray on the front of the engine.
    I sandblasted the covers, treated them with metalprep, then applied two
coats of Dupont Corlar epoxy primer, three coats of Dupont 1044R urethane
primer, and three coats of Dupont black IMRON polyurethane enamel. The IMRON
is a very chemical and abrasion resistant paint generally used on aircraft,
boats,  and commercial trucks.
    If your valve cover is aluminium, the same paint scheme would work but
you would have to use the aluminium metalprep product.
    I probably over-killed it in my usual fashion, but the covers sure look
nice :o)
    I don't have any affiliation with Dupont - it's just that once you start
buying these expensive paint products you always have something left over,
so you are stuck with whatever supplier you start with, so choose a supplier
of good quality material!


Fred Munro
'91 200q  261k km
-----Original Message-----
From: Marc_Nguyen@mail.amsinc.com <Marc_Nguyen@mail.amsinc.com>
To: quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net <quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Tuesday, November 03, 1998 9:20 PM
Subject: Urq Valve Cover Painting

>Greetings all,
>I plan on replacing the valve cover gasket on the urq sometime over the
>next couple weeks.  The valve cover itself is looking a little worse for
>wear.  A good portion of the paint has chipped off, so I figured that while
>I have the cover off, I would re-paint it.  Any advice out there?  I figure
>I should at least sand off the old paint before the repaint, but I have no
>idea what type of paint to use.  Any suggestions?  Does the cover need to
>be primed before painting?  Thanks!!
>- Marc
>'85 urq
>'93 S4