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Fw: RE Air Intake
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Porter <mpfive0@maine.rr.com>
To: river6822@aol.com <river6822@aol.com>
Date: Wednesday, November 04, 1998 11:33 AM
Subject: RE Air Intake
>I had cecked out all the cone intakes, then I remembered some advise I got
>when I was building up my old 5.0 Mustang a few years back. I was told the
>flat K&N filter actually flows air smoother than the cone ( smoother air
>flows better than the turbulent air that the cone makes). I was told to fit
>the flat filter then remove the stock silencer that restricted a lot of air
>upstream from the airbox. It worked great. So for my 5kcstq I ordered a
>K&N and I am going to install it in the air box, but I am going to cut off
>the front face of the cover which includes the narrow (restrictive) horn
>type intake silencer. By cutting off the front face of the cover I will
>still retain the sides of cover which is then clamped to the airbox holding
>the new filter in. I will add some plastic mesh to the frame if I find that
>any large pieces of debris air getting caught in the filter, but overall I
>think this setup will provide a lot more flow than stock and smoother if
>more flow than the cone.
>Let me know if my description was not clear enough.
>M Porter
>86 4kcsq
>86 5kcstq
>95 zx-9r
>www.ci.portland.me.us/swat.htm (fourth from the left)