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Re: '864kqt upgrade help...
But isn't this an upgradable motor (adjustable boost) cam?
I'm just looking for 150hp maybe 165hp just don't like 115.
> I wouldn't use an 83 turbo engine with 130 Hp stock you won't be improving
> much...
> Scotty
OR... would it be easier to get that out of an NA (not)
I know Ned Ritchie make a cam for the JT motor he claims 150hp is this
realistic? Also, what else can be done short of a stroker motor?
And last, is ther anyway to bolt up a turbo head and run lower boost?
I just want a little more kick. I always run Chevron 93 and have the
timing set at 10degrees advance at idle. I just don't want to jump into
a turbo conversion , to afraid of it turning into a nightmare!!
ie my 4kq is my only transportation... I love it,just 115hp is not strong
enough anymore...
so... The WK head will not bolt up and there is no way to set up enrichment
for boost? Could you possibly hook up the Cold-start injector to the
WOT switch for boost enrichment???
Rich Andrews